This is good as at it gets at Gentle Giants


Det trådlösa internetet har inte fungerat här på några dagar, men nu går det uppenbarligen igen.
Detta är min första dag off. Kunde sova ut för första gången.
Sitter i Ticket Center med Daniel, ska tillbaka till sjukhuset och ta stygnen om en timme.

Allt ät så jävla bra. Nu är jag en fullfjädrad guide. Solen skiner, sjön ligger blank och det bara kryllar av delfiner som leker runt båten och minkeys, och humpbacks och sist men inte minst alla blåvalar här ute i Skjalvándi bay.

Vi har också varit och ridit, varit vid Godafoss, Myvatn och så vidare. Skitbra!
Marken är täckt av gammal lava, det är blåa sjöar, hästar, snö, sol, valar, det bubblar och ryker ur marken.

Ni skulle varit här...

Hedna är en artikel jag skrev till websidan.

"María and I had the 12 o’clock tour together, two days ago on Faldur.

The powerful sound of the bluewhale’s breath made my heart beat faster, when this real gentle giant suddenly appeared from the depth - only a few meters from our boat. We were standing on the roof having the worlds biggest inhabitant (ever) in front of us and I forgot both time and space thinking; ”this is whale watching for sure!”

It was so close that we could both hear it, see it, and at this time also feel it…

Their blow is so big that millions and millions of water-drops remains high up in the air for quite a while. The seconds after this powerful sound of those enormous blowholes opening, the water drops got the colours of the rainbow from the shining sun. While just standing there on the roof enjoying the moment, this colourful cloud drifted in the wind towards me and I could feel the cold from the whale’s breath in my face. This was really amazing! It came up so close to us, this beauty beast.

Yes, the previous days have been perfect for us whale watchers; shining sun, calm sea, good visibility and a Skjálvandi bay shaking of life; dolphins, minkeys, humpbacks and bluewhales.

What makes whale watching so exiting, in my opinion, is that there are no guaranties, because what we have in front of us is nature. What you know is that there are probably lots of whales in the bay, and when you have spotted something you never know how far or close it will come to you. If you are lucky, a bluewhale might appear right next to the boat so you can hear it, see it and feel it…"


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