Lön för mödan
Nu börjar svaren droppa in efter mina utskick av arbetsansökningar.
Det är kul att få svar,
jag blir glad av positivt cred,
men det roligaste är att chansen för jobb finns på riktigt!
Drömmen blir ett realistiskt mål
"Alexia - thank you for your e-mail. I like it very much when people ask questions and show some guts, finding their own path to the right way.
I´m looking forward to the possibilities of you joining our team for season 2008"
Stefán Guðmundsson, Gentle Giants
och kommentarer som;
"... I admire your motivation and all you have accomplished in 18 years! ...".
Tackpåden! :)
Det kan nog bli bra det här!
I´m looking forward to the possibilities of you joining our team for season 2008"
Stefán Guðmundsson, Gentle Giants
"Hi Lia,
Thank you for your lovely e-mail, it was fun and nice to read. The owners of the company are on a vacation, but will return next week to work. We will then take a better look at your application and contact you to let you know if we will be needing more staff in the summer."
Eva María, Reykjavík Whale Watching
Eva María, Reykjavík Whale Watching
och kommentarer som;
"... I admire your motivation and all you have accomplished in 18 years! ...".
Tackpåden! :)
Det kan nog bli bra det här!
Jag skrev - som förståeligt - till bland annat olika whalewatchingföretag runt om Island. Trots att jag flyttat från min delfindröm kan jag inte förneka att de betyder mycket fortfarande. Som jag skrev i mitt brev;
"... I didn't move back home because of lost interest for the subject, no, it was because of the circumstances.
I think I'll find my way back to the marine mammals in the future even though I may have changed the original dream from dolphins in captivity to research on wild marine mammals ..."
"... I didn't move back home because of lost interest for the subject, no, it was because of the circumstances.
I think I'll find my way back to the marine mammals in the future even though I may have changed the original dream from dolphins in captivity to research on wild marine mammals ..."
Visst är de lite coola?